Commemorating the Cherry Blossom Festival during covid
On a chilly morning in early May, I stood on a hillside in High Park, listening to the taiko ensemble Nagata Shachu perform amidst the cherry blossoms. It was the most humbling and awe-evoking experience of my artistic life. Read more, and watch the event.

Documentary on CBC Radio
While writing I Can’t Get You Out of My Mind, I realized that one of the novel’s themes—namely, what it means to say ‘I love you’—would make a fantastic radio documentary since the meaning of the phrase is often carried in the voice. It’s slippery, that phrase; it shifts it shape, often based on the contours of sound. Read more, and listen to the radio documentary.

Collaging Artwork, Sound, and Text in “Deep Salt Water”
Deep Salt Water began with a collage by Catherine Mellinger, and proceeded through language that was rhythmic, insistent. So it only made sense that the work should become a multidisciplinary project—one that overlays music with my voice, collaging the visual with the aural. Read more, and view the artwork.